I haven’t written for a few months, for different reasons. I hope that everyone is well, and as we are coming up on the holidays, that we all are looking for a very Merry Christmas, as a change to this past years events. When 2020 hit us, it seemed as if it was a new decade, like it was just yesterday, but like we all know, the rest of 2020 is something that we’ve never anything like it before. From the the young generations, to those who were here in the 40’s and 50’s, during the Cold War, and maybe a few from the Depression, knew hardship, but this is a little different. We’ve experienced a situation where there don’t seem to be answers, (as we are being told). Lots of questions, and a lot of time, no answers. Let’s try to do better, let’s try to help others, let’s try to be kind to others. or how about this; let’s try to be kind to everyone!
A lot of friends, family, and others that I know maintained their business, some even excelled; but there are others that I know and love, that have been hit hard by co-void. I’m sure that we all try to help with words, and maybe actions; but sometimes that isn’t enough. Bottom line, though, is that we HAVE to keep trying. Sometimes we don’t see any effect of our efforts, but I’m convinced that at sometime, sooner or later, we have helped, as a supporting team member. I know this SO very well; when I was having surgery with those brain tumors that happen to like me, I felt SO much support from everyone that was in my life at that time, because they TRIED to give me some kind of help, from kindness, to words, to actions, to just being a friend. From my own personal situation, at times I felt so lost as to how I cold get back my business, my physical being, my rightful mind; you name it, at least once I experienced it. In no way am I trying to say “oh poor me”; but just the opposite, “Oh great are THEY!”. The help I received from others, when I didn’t even know how to ask, is my point here. When we see, or know someone who needs a shoulder to lean on, push that shoulder of yours out! Be that support, of whatever you can give. Sometimes, literally just being there is enough. I’ll give you a story that still gets emotionally for me. It’s about my father, who just passed away 3 years ago, (which really seemed like 3 days ago). I was having one of my surgery, (in all honesty, I don’t know if it was 1st or 2nd one), and about the last hour before the surgery, Dad just sat on a chair, along the side of my bed, and put his huge hand on my forearm, and he never said a word. Him just being there showed all of his concern, his hope, his affections, his love. No words were needed, just his presence was enough; and by now, you know the story, we made it! Trust that when you are trying to help a person, and don’t seem to think that you have to have a supporting word, just being there let’s them know that you care, and are with them. Sometimes having a bit of kindness in a brief moment, gives them a second to know that they will make this part of their life positive, and when that feeling starts to hit them, they start to know that something could be made possible, and you were there!
I say this, because we all need a something positive in our lives right now. I’ll tell you what I tell myself every morning, “who can I help today?”. Not that I think I can go out and change someone’s life in a day, but if I can have a conversation, maybe a 10 word conversation, or even smile at them where they smile back, maybe that stays with them. It’s just that one moment that they know that you are with them, and that could mean a lot, maybe not that day, but maybe later. Remember that.
Kindness is special, to anyone at any time. Let us not give up on those in stressful times, they need us. We’re all unique, we all believe in goodness, and let us leave those ugly words aside, they do not help anyone. Let’s get through this, all of us. Make a great idea happen; we all have ideas!
I have one wish, that all places of worship, mine being a Catholic Church, can be an “essential” place. Heaven forbid I have to use those terms, but I hope that we all keep our faith, our beliefs, and our hope in our hearts to see the end of this, and have happiness in our lives again.
“God said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. I will rather boast more gladly about my weakness in order that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ, for when I am weak, then I am strong.”
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10