Adverse: adj., unfavorable or antagonistic.   Adversity: n., adverse fortune or fate, misfortune There are other words that can be used when speaking of adversity; unfavorably, inopportune, untimely….but really, who makes up these rules, or the words?  It’s all a matter of timing, (untimely!, unfavorably!…), I absolutely agree that adversity is an opportunity for heroism.  Listen, I think that everybody fails, we fail all the time, but we really aren’t a failure until we start blaming someone else.  This we all see frequently.  Boy, have I failed many, many times, but to me, falling down means GET BACK UP!  In my view, there are no options, you just have to get…

  • HOPE, it’s something we all have….

    I have HOPE.  Very simple, I have hope.  I have to be honest though, earlier today, I was, how should I say, enraged.  Multiple events have happened these last few days, and instead of letting the emotional fury ruin my day, I had to rely on my HOPE. HOPE: v; foresee, deem likely, be assured… I still have hope.  Four people from our service lost their lives yesterday: hope; Planned Parenthood selling body parts from infants: hope; ESPY Award Show, (Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly Award;  an accolade presented by the American cable T.V.  network ESPN to recognize individual and team athletic and other sports-related performance during the calender year…


    I hope that everyone has a moment for their Dad today.  Whether it is in thought, or company; all day visit, or a quick phone; present in your life, or passed on to an eternal life, our Dad’s are special.  I have been so blessed with my father.  I have nothing to say, but praise for my Dad.  I also know that there are those who might not be able to say that.  Please keep in mind this, without him, you wouldn’t be here, today.  There is a blessing to that, in my mind.  Life is good, very, very good, because of one person.  If he wasn’t in your life…


    You see something, and you get some sort of a reaction, we all do.  It could something small, like your dog “smiling” at you, (and boy, I could go with that “smile” all day long!), to something large like a situation in your life that could change your life, and that situation could be minimal in someone else’s viewpoint; and that is OK.  Think about that, you witnessed the same thing, but had a contrasting viewpoint.  Our personality’s are different, our lives as children were different, our LIVES are different!  Keep that in the back of your mind; you are you, and you are special!  You are!  You have experienced…


    What is your purpose?  Do you know?  I found that someone life’s purpose is interesting.  It’s not something you decide, it’s something that you discover.  It’s also not something that you find outside, it’s something already within you.  Think about that.  I had a certain plan, a goal in my life.  It seemed to be “me”.   Fitness One of Webster’s definition of fitness: adv; to be prepared or ready; in good physical condition. What’s not so uncommon in the fitness world, I was in pretty good shape from my neck to my toes!  (what about the head?) That was my world;  just like what we read in magazines, or browse…


    Without looking at Google, try to identify this writer, (of the title), and 1st group to perform it; you might be surprised!  There have been a lot of covers on this song, but the words have a deep meaning, to me at least.  I have a lot of friends whom I call “brother”; and a lot of those people just happen to be female, because in my heart, they are my “brothers”.  This means I would do anything for them, physically, emotionally, spiritually.  We all need someone(s) in our lives in this vein, because we all know that we don’t do everything in our lives alone, nor can we.  If…


    Recently I saw a song video, (maybe someone could name the artist?),  called “Don’t Give Up”.  I think that about that title, because it hit me so hard.  Why wouldn’t it?  Forget my history; what about athletes, entertainers, non-profit organizations, fundraising functions, etc… any one thing or person, who happens to want to help something, someone, or himself/herself?  It literally means, “DON’T GIVE UP”!  That says plenty. When the new year rolled around, didn’t most of us set a goal, or “make a resolution”?  I hope that we haven’t given up on that goal.  A goal, or “change” as I like to call it, is something that we need to…


    2015;  DO YOU BELIEVE? I know my answer to this.  It’s a new year, but my answer is the same.  Giving my best!!!  As the greatest NFL coach, (George Halas of the Chicago Bears) said, “win or lose, no one who gave their best, ever regretted their effort”.  Give your best, in whatever your New Years resolution is, or the change that you’re working on.  Think of this image; Every person is going to leave a legacy.  What kind of legacy do you want to leave?  How about we add to that image; giving your best!  Then you can’t lose, you can’t!  If you gave everything you could give, you…


    Christmas is a beautiful time of our lives.  It is a very spiritual time, the birth of Jesus Christ has come upon us.  Hopefully, this is where our thoughts should be, something far away from the materialistic world. So much of our attention, and, at this time of year, our thoughts tend to go to other people.  This is a good idea, but something that I think is also a good idea, too, is to think about YOU.  You are SO very important; to yourself, to others, to people you don’t even know.  You are so important, that a few, (or several) nice thoughts should be directed at yourself, because…


    We are a terrific people.  Sometimes, don’t you wonder what a person’s history is?  Any person?  What’s their life’s story?  What they had been through, and what did they do in this world?  Did they make it better, or even better than better?  We could probably go deep on this, but sometimes when you let your mind go, it can GO!  I don’t have a word to use that can describe a situation that I’ve been through this past week; this is positive, by the way.  As I’ve mentioned before, I do a lot of volunteer work at RONALD REAGAN HOSPITAL at UCLA.  I talk to a lot of patients…