Today is June 6, 2019, which is exactly one week after May 30.  So what is the point of interest in this one week?  Seven days after having my hip replaced; progression from day one.  Santa Monica’s UCLA did the surgery, and sure, I’m a little biased toward UCLA, but they (once again), out did themselves on professionalism, courtesy, smiles, and pre-op appointments, (I had 4 before surgery!).  I could go on, and on, but they were just unbelievable in EVERY part of this surgery; from their protocol on surgery, to constant communication for the three days leading up to the cut, to the after post-op procedure afterwards, to the…


    “Healing humankind one patient at a time by improving health, alleviating suffering and delivering acts of kindness.”  UCLA  Health Vision   What a powerful vision.  Think about it, it seems so simple, and sometimes it is; other times it can get to be complicated.  When you think about every minute, (or every second), of every day, and every instant of every moment to do nothing but helping others, well, it can be difficult in our lives.  This UCLA vision doesn’t allow that type of thinking.  Think about that!  The only people that come into a hospital, are people in need; every one of them.  Think of the doctors, the nurses,…

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (and memories), DAD….

    Two years ago, today, was my Dad’s last birthday; 84.  Seems like yesterday.  It’s funny, in the past when I read someone’s writing about one of their parents passing, I’ve always feel for them, but even more, now, because I HAVE experienced the passing of my Dad, and he pops into my thoughts so many times in the most inopportune occasions.  It’s amazing. For those that didn’t know my Dad, and if you’re interested, I’m writing about some of the memories that are still fresh in my mind, from my younger years until present. I’m sure that there are so many people out there, where their Dad, or actually their…


    This might sound a little funny to a bunch of people out there, (or those that don’t!), but I was going through my old-time luggage trunk.  This is a trunk that was bought by my grandfather in 1917; over 100 years old!  The story is, my Mom wanted to throw it out, because it was taking up space, and it’s not attractive, (and I’ll vouch for that), but my grandfather bought it, and had put a note inside of the trunk, stating that he, and his brother bought it.  I said, quite definitely, “I’m taking it!”.  No way was I going to let something like this, (in my mind, a…


    Perfection; great word, only, what is it?  Perfection by itself is being perfect.  Seems simple, but I look at being perfect, as being the best you can be.  In my opinion, how can you be better, than being the best that you can be, or provide?   PERFECTION:  n.  The highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait.   For all those times when I was an actor. all I did was audition.  That’s what that business was about, audition, audition, and more auditioning.  At some point, you actually started to enjoy it.  I remember so many times when I did my “best”, meaning I did exactly…


    “Can’t Never Did Anything…”  Do two wrongs make a right, (grammatically)?  Yes, why not?  I’m always going with yes, and it’s a story that has stuck with me since I was in the 5th grade.  Funny story here, you can ask any and all of my past /present clients, about what this phrase means to me, my training, my beliefs, and my beliefs in people.  They hate it when I say, “Did I ever tell you about my 5th grade teacher…”   My 5th grade teacher was Mrs. (Carol) Adams; funny how it’s even hard for me to imagine calling her Carol, I mean come on, I was in the…


    There’s one thing that ALL of us have in common, Birthdays!  It’s funny that when we’re young, especially when we’re young kids, birthdays just don’t come fast enough.  It just seems so long that that last birthday, and everything that comes with it, always seems so far away, and when it comes, that day is gone, and then we have to wait until another YEAR before the next one comes around!  It not that any of this is good, or even bad to some people, it just is what it is.  Then we hit those 20’s and 30’s, and they seem to come up a little quicker, and then it…


    Big word.  Well, let’s make sense of that word.  In my world, a sense of emotion comes into play.  It is also actions, feelings, it can involve friends, among many other things, and for me, involves my past. GRATUITOUS:  adj;  being without reason, cause, or justification,     or; given without receiving any return value.   I’ve had so many instances in my life, with regard to these definitions of “gratuitous”,  that I’ve had to realize how my heart and soul gets into this picture.  How does it happen that I say “thank you” to God every morning when my feet hit the ground, verses not acknowledging that I’m HERE!  Big change,…


    PASSION n: 1) strong amorous feeling; love 2) a strong fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for something   I am a very passionate person, and I believe that we all are in some respect or another.  If there is any question in your mind, about you having this passion, just sit back and think about what “thing”, or event,involved you, to the point that this “thing” was on your mind constantly, it occupied you, to so many various degrees.  I think we all have something that affects our lives, either literally, or emotionally, on our journey.  My passions are events that resonate with my brain.  Why wouldn’t it, given my past?  As…

  • A DECADE…(in minutes)

    April 29th, 2008 Biggest day in my life… Let’s go back in our lives, all of us.  Let’s go back 10 years, and really try to put yourselves in that time frame, and recall all of the events that you went through; family,  friends, thoughts, emotions, job, well being, happiness, cars, religion, etc….In ONE, (very long!!!) sentence, I will try to explain my past decade, and before you read on after that, try to do this for yourself, and see how it relates to you now.  Here’s mine:   A brain for fitness, a brain for gratitude, a brain for appreciation.  Humbleness fits into that category; so does spiritual praise. …