When I wrote my last blog, it was about the positive coming out of the quarantine era.  It seems to me now, that some differ from that, and that’s too bad.  In our world, times should be “of the moment”, with appreciation of what’s been given to us, to all of us, as we look for answers; mine is my belief in God.  I try to move forward, with an attempt to do good for others. and volunteer my services to those who need support in hospitals, in my neighborhood, and wherever else I see a need.  I see no need for skin color to be a concern to me. …


    I’ve witnessed a lot these past 6 or more weeks, as I’m sure most other people would say the same.  As an addition to that, I would also include a change to my perceptions of what I witnessed, as I think most others would agree.   Witness: v., to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception   I used to refer to this time frame that we’re in as “strange times”, and it was strange times, because it was something that was out of our control; meaning there was no solution when “times” needed to be changed.  It really meant that we, as a society, needed to adapt our…

  • DO UNTO OTHERS…(and yourself)

    There will be several answers here, but who would you say was the greatest NFL coach?  If that’s too much, let’s give you some consideration, and you can name the top three.  Anyone want to disagree with Vince Lombardi?  If I remember, isn’t there a trophy, the Vince Lombardi Trophy?  I’m a little biased here, (even though I’m a Chicago Bears fan!), but this man tells us, especially in sports, the meaning of commitment.  It’s your word, to yourself, or many others if you belong to a team, of commitment, to be your best.  This man talked not only of being your best on the playing field, but outside the…


    Smiling is contagious.  I think that we all know that, and what could be more inspiring than a smiling face?  This could be an obvious act, but there are some who don’t have that attitude of bringing a smile back to them, by throwing out a smile, even if it’s just a little one.  Being your honest, supportive, meaningful, inspiring, lively, expressive self could be the one of the best attitudes that you throw out to other people, because it shows that you care, not only for them at that moment, but for everyone in you company.   S – Is it supportive? M-Is it meaningful? I- Is it inspiring?…


    WARRIOR:  n.  a person who has shown great vigor, or courage   This really is the word that describes the attendees at the “Heroes of Hope” 5k/10k Race for Research.  With all of the proceeds going back to UCLA, Cedars-Sinai, and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles brain tumor research departments for cancer termination, this event was full of Warriors today.  This was a day filled with plenty of emotions, joys, and remembrance.  When you’ve seen people who are survivors of brain cancer, surgeons who had operated on these survivors, friends of these survivors, and families of these survivors, it hits you, hard.  It happened to me.  I’ve been associated with this…

  • Do You Want To Be a HERO???

    Life is grand, don’t you think?  Every day I wake up, I have to thank God for ONE more day; EVERY DAY!  One day, I was in a great conversation about a lot of different things, and I mentioned that, and I was asked, “Do you really do that EVERY day?”.  Umm, yes; and by doing that,  it shows so much Thanksgiving to really have another day.  I’ll recap what a lot of you know about me.  I’ve had three brain tumors, (Meningiomas, Type 2, Atypical).  I’ve taken pretty good care of my physical being, for most of my adult years, having my business for over 35 years in doing…

  • A LOT OF NOISE…(or little)

    Radio’s, T.V’s, coffee grinder’s, airport’s and planes, traffic, of course CELL PHONES (!), people, pets, shake machines, construction equipment, vacuum cleaners, outside noise, people talking on cell phones with speaker’s on, disgusting news(on all levels), people crying on at something that doesn’t go their way, protesters with no protest; how long do you want me to go on, (or should I have stopped after 2???)? Every day we all deal with these, and there is something we can do; go on the road, visit friends, camping, sitting in a hotel room, meditating, etc.., I saw something that I think is wonderful:  It’s called “Before you speak, THINK”. T = IS…

  • Hip Replacement Rehab; 8 Weeks In With a HAPPY HIP!!!

    I last wrote a blog after my first week post surgery.  It’s was a bit challenging in the beginning, but in the big picture, I’m SO glad that we did this; replacement of the left hip, (which I’ll refer to as the “bad” hip/leg).  As I’ve done most of the strength movements, in the past 6 weeks, I think that we all know that you shouldn’t over-train that hip; and if you try to, well, you’ll know quite immediately what that “bad” hip is telling you, “STOP”.  As  I wrote before, I wanted to push, and after a few weeks, I also knew what that hip was telling me, and…